
Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Pentagon Memorial


On this 10 Anniversary of  the events that took place on 9/11,  I wanted to link to a post I did last year when we visited the Pentagon Memorial in Washington DC.  I have never seen anything on TV that talks about this memorial.  I think  many Americans might not even know it’s there.    It is an incredibly moving tribute.  Please click here to re-visit my post on The Pentagon Memorial.    Never forget.


  1. Hi I'm sad...I will never forget that day.... I thank you for this post.... next time I'm going to visit D.C. I will surely go to visit this memorial..a strong hug to you and to your great Country, ciao Flavia

  2. Thank you Lisa. I must admit I didn't know either so thank you for bringing this to our attention. You should write a few networks and ask why it isn't spoken about. My heart is heavy in remembering this tragically sad day, the memories come flooding back like it was yesterday. I keep all those lives lost in my prayers and pray for a world where peace will exist.

  3. I just saw/heard about it for the first time today during some of the anniversary coverage. Wonder why that is....
    Will definitely go back and read your prior post.

  4. The tribute to the victims is truly amazing. A beautiful setting, thank you for sharing with us .
