Sunday, July 15, 2018

Boursin Spinach and Cheddar Quiche

Zinnias in the kitchen

What a beautiful weekend it has been although a bit hotter than I would like. But what are you going to do?  It’s July!   I found these gorgeous Zinnias at the Farmers Market yesterday.  Love the flowers that are available in the summertime for cheapness here.  I only paid $5 for that bouquet.  It’s been a lazy weekend for the most part.  Spent a lot of time recycling/painting old plastic flower pots and then planting in them.  I pulled out my old stencils and made some very unattractive green plastic pots pretty and useful again.  My “Bee” pots turned out quite cute I think!

Bee Pot with Button Fern

  Boursin Spinach and Cheddar Quiche was a delicious way to start the day today.  I had a bag of spinach getting close to being past it’s prime and I always have lots of eggs.  Found the baking dish at Goodwill yesterday for $1.00 and picked it up to give to my daughter.  Gave it a trial run today and I think she will be happy to have it.  She said she didn’t have a quiche baking dish yet which is hard to believe because that girl got almost everything she could possible need or want last year as shower and wedding gifts.  Decided to blog the recipe today so after she gets her quiche dish she can make this right away.

Portland Maine Mug     Fountain

So this morning I sat on the deck just like I did yesterday morning, listened to the trickling water of the fountain which is my new favorite thing and drank my coffee out of my new favorite mug.  My son lives in Portland now and we just got back from a visit there a couple of weeks ago.  Loved every minute of the trip.    Will have to do a blog post soon and get my pictures from that trip up.  I cannot wait to go back!

Boursin Spinach Cheddar Quiche     Boursin Shallot and Chive

So back to the purpose of this post. 

I did this all without a recipe so what follows below are my estimates of what and how much I used.  No worries that you won't get the amounts right.  You cannot screw this one up.  It always turns out delicious!  This is a crust-less quiche!

Boursin Spinach Cheddar Quiche

5 or 6 eggs

1/4 cup half and half and 1/4 cup of water to thin it out.

(or milk, whatever you have on hand.)

1 box of Boursin cheese.  I used the Shallot and Chive flavored Boursin.

Handful of fresh spinach.  (In the past I have use a small box of frozen spinach.  Microwaved it about 4 minutes and then drained off all of the liquid.  Then pull apart with a fork before mixing it in.)

1 cup of shredded Cheddar cheese



Preheat over to 350 degrees.  In a medium size bowl, beat the eggs with the half and half with water or just use milk.  Add the spinach.  Crumble up the hockey puck size disk of the Boursin and drop the crumbles into the mixture.  Add about 1/2 cup of the Cheddar Cheese.  I also threw in a handful of shredded mozzarella cheese.  This is a great recipe for using up what’s in your refrigerator.  Add about 1/2 tsp of salt and 1/2 tsp of pepper.  Stir.

Pour the mixture into your quiche dish.  No need to prep the dish.  It always seems to turn out non-stick. 

Sprinkle the top with some of the leftover Cheddar cheese and it’s ready to go into the oven.

Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minute.  Then check on it.  Mine needed a full 15 more minutes to finish cooking.  Will puff up and get a beautiful golden color right around the time it is done.  Can use a cake tester if you are not sure.  Serve it hot or cold.  Serves 4 to 6. 


Lisa@PicklesandCheese said...

Have to say that you might want to spray your quiche dish with a non stick spray. While it wasn't difficult to get the quiche out of the pan, I just spent a good 10 minutes scrubbing it. Egg baked on the dish can be difficult to wash off! Just a friendly warning and update!

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