Monday, June 6, 2011

A Guaranteed Smile – Kindergarten Guitar Band

This is a guaranteed smile maker!  Thanks for sending it to me Mom!


Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Aren't they too cute! I think the guitars are bigger than they are! Thanks for sharing that, Lisa!

Anonymous said...

Their guitars are almost as big as they are how cute.

Gone Country said...

WOW! Such talent and they're so cute! I like all the extra's they added to their concert!

Anonymous said...

Kindergarten? Kindergarten? WOW. I'm surprised their tiny fingers can even pluck those strings hard enough.. VEry cute!


greenthumb said...

Very cute,all that hard work for such little people.

The enchanted home said...

That is sooooo amazingly cute! Funny how the guitars are almost as big as they are. Wonderful talent in pint size bodies!

Yvonne @ StoneGable said...

Lisa, I kept thinking aren't they cute and how disciplined! They look like they are playing cellos!
Thanks for the early morning smile!