A few days ago I was reading one of my many favorite blogs “White Spray Paint” written by Laura and she had what I thought was a clever idea for her post. She wrote about all of the perfumes from her past. Some I shared with her, some I did not, and other I had never heard of before. But it got me thinking about the different scents I have worn over the years and the time line of when I wore them. Scents are like music to me sometimes. They bring up memories of where I was, what I was doing and who I was with. And of course certain scents remind me of certain people.

Whenever I smell Estee Lauder’s Youth Dew I think of my Mom. That is the scent I remember her wearing when I was growing up. And I think of my Grandma whenever I walk past someone wearing “Wind Song”. “I can’t seem to forget you…your Wind Song stays on my mind”.

And then there is “White Shoulders”. One of my dear friends growing up passed away a few months ago from complications from Juvenile Diabetes and this is the scent I remember her wearing. I think of Nina when I see a bottle and smell “White Shoulders”.

When I was little I remember my Aunt Gayle giving me a bottle of Avon perfume called “Brocade”. I couldn’t believe it when I searched Google and found a picture of the same hand bell shaped bottle I had!!

Ahh, remember “Love’s Baby Soft”. So 1970’s!! I actually did not like this. I wanted to like it but it was way too strong for me. And besides, most of my friend’s wore enough for the both of us. (Looking at that ad campaign kind of creeps me out. I don’t think they could get away with it today…or maybe they could. Still creepy.)

“And they call her…..Charlie!” Can’t you hear that jingle in your head? Please don’t tell me you don’t remember this! Still the 70’s…

More 70’s lusciousness! Now, I did wear this one. “Love’s Fresh Lemon”. I sprayed this one on head to toe! Now days the big scent seems to be vanilla but back then it was lemon.

“Chloe” by Karl Lagerfeld. I LOVED THIS. “Chloe” was my college scent. It was a heavy scent and I wore it with abandon. I loved it and I wore it for years.

Remember “Lauren” by Ralph Lauren? I had a brief affair with this one. But wear it I did.

I briefly remember wearing “Anais, Anais” as well and was never quite sure how to pronounce it. :)

Toss in a little “Chanel No. 5” here and there when I wanted to be more sophisticated. :)

“Giorgio” of Beverly Hills…It’s was the 80’s, the Reagan’s were in the White House and I was getting married! This is the scent I wore for my wedding.

“Liz Claiborne”. I Loved that yellow triangular bottle. This was my “working girl” everyday scent. I wore this for many, many years.

I remember “Eternity” by Calvin Klein fondly. I wore this briefly right before I had my kids. And then something funny happened. I had my kids and I totally cannot remember what fragrance I wore when they were little. Their baby days and childhood swallowed me whole and I don’t remember having the time or energy to worry about perfume!

Then my kids got a little older and someone gave me “Green Tea” as a gift and I kind of liked it. It was different so I gave it a 2 or 3 bottle contract.

Which brings me to today. This is what I now wear and I love it. “Amazing Grace” by Philosophy. It is a fresh and clean scent. It is hard to describe and I have to say that strangers have honestly stopped me and asked me what I am wearing. And this has happened many times. I like the shower gel and the body lotion. And really, most days it is only the lotion that I have on when I get the compliments. It’s not overpowering and so feminine and subtle.
I wonder what I’ll be wearing 10 years from now??? How about you? What would you call your “signature scent”?